• ShedWorld Nationwide - Garden Sheds, Fencing and Garages

Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions relate to all sales, deliveries and aftersales support offered by ShedWorld Wexford.

- Delivery T&C -

Details of the Terms and Conditions of ShedWorld's delivery policy as it relates to various products is outlined below:

Garden Sheds:

ShedWorld Garden Sheds are delivered to and erected on behalf of our customers free of charge to any address within the Southeast to the specific conditions below. Delivery outside of the South East may also be available, subject to confirmation by ShedWorld. Deliveries to addresses outside our standard delivery area may incur a nominal delivery fee. Such a fee may be waived by ShedWorld at the time of order and is subject to confirmation.

Installations are carried out from Tuesdays to Fridays only, typically between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm.

Delivery Terms:

1) Provision of the site for shed installation is 100% the responsabiliy of the Customer. Ideally, the Customer must provide a suitable, level site on which to erect the shed. Site must be level to the eye and clear of all obstruction prior to ShedWorld's arrival with the shed. If the site is not level, ShedWorld can attempt to install the shed, compensating for the site by the use of additional blocks or timber spacers, which will remain visible after installation.

2) The customer must ensure that all information supplied to ShedWorld regarding their address and or the nature of the site is 100% correct. Delivery addresses must include a valid EIRCODE. Customers must ensure that they provide a valid phone number for contact by the delivery team on the day of the delivery. This is to ensure that the team can make contact, for example, to inform the customer of a delay or to secure directions to the address provided if needed. If a customer does not provide a valid contact number or if they cannot be contacted on the day of delivery, then the delivery may need to be aborted. In this event, a standing charge of 150 euro will apply before the delivery can be rescheduled.

3) Access to the site is the responsability of the Customer. ShedWorld require's standard access, such as is provided by a side or rear gate into the garden, with no narrow turns, low branches or cables, or steep steps between the entrance and the site.

4) In the case where no side or rear entrance is available, it may be possible for ShedWorld to deliver a garden shed by means of travel through the house. In this event, ShedWorld cannot guarantee that access will be possible, nor can we hold any responsability for damage to house or property during the installation.

5) If on arrival, the site and/or access does not fully comply with the terms above, the installation will be abandoned. In that event, the customer will become liable for the installation service fee of up to 150.00 euro. This fee will be retained by ShedWorld to cover the transport and labour costs already incurred. Should the customer wish, the product can be left on site for either self-assembly, or for ShedWorld to return once the problem(s) have been rectified, subject to payment of an additional erection service fee. In the event that the product is to be left on site, the customer will remain liable for the full product cost.

6) In the case where the Customer is not resident at the delivery address, it is the responsablity of the customer to make arrangements for ShedWorld to be granted access to the site.

7) Garden Shed deliveries are arranged by ShedWorld in clusters of not less than 4 sheds per delivery and, while every effort is made to ensure rapid and prompt delivery, Customers should be advised that there may be a delay in arranging the delivery of their shed, pending the sale of other sheds in their area.

8) Customers are encouraged to accept their first offered delivery date as stock availability and alternative delivery dates cannot be guaranteed at all times.

9) ShedWorld will not bear any abortive costs arising from a failed delivery. If a shed delivery cannot be completed due to any issues outside of ShedWorld's control, for example due to access restrictions or if the customer is not on site when we arrive. In the event of a failed delivery, a standing charge of 150 euro will be applied before the delivery will be attempted again.

10) ShedWorld prides itself on the courteous and professional manner of our installation team. Our staff will at all times endeavour to be polite and answer any question or request put to them. However, as many of our staff do not have English as their first language, we do request that customers take this into account when dealing directly with our staff. Customers who find difficulty communicating with our staff on site should feel free to contact our head office on 053 9179019 - Mobile/Whatsapp: 087 1485000.

11) Customers should take note of the hazards inherant to building work taking place on their property. During construction, we must insist that the construction site remain strictly off limits to all but ShedWorld staff. Particular care should be taken to keep children and pets away from the construction site during the installation. ShedWorld can accept no responsability for any injuries sustained by any person or animal that enters the construcion site prior to our completing the installation.

12) In cases where a shed is to be installed on grass, soil or other any other soft surface, ShedWorld will ask that customers provide sufficient concrete blocks on which to erect their shed. The number of blocks required will vary depending on the site and the size of the shed. ShedWorld will advise as to the number required prior to delivery. In the event that a customer is unable to provide blocks, ShedWorld can do so, subject to a service fee being added to the total cost of the shed. This fee will be payable on or before the date of delivery of the shed.

Concrete Sheds & Buildings:

ShedWorld Concrete Buildings are available for delivery to any address within the mainland of the Republic of Ireland, subject to the following conditions.

1) It is the responsability of the Customer to ensure that the intended site for the building be flat and level, with no obstructions or other impediments to construction. For ShedWorld concrete buildings the site is required to be approximately 1ft longer and 1ft wider than the final building, with a total slope no greater than 75mm in any direction.

2) All ShedWorld Concrete Buildings require a solid concrete base on which to be erected. If needed, ShedWorld can provide such a base and will be happy to quote the Customer for same. If, however, the Customer wishes to provide their own base, they are of course free to do so. The base for a ShedWorld Concrete Building should be 1ft wider and 1ft longer than the building itself will be. It should be no less than 4 inches thick and composed of solid concrete of at least 25 Newton strength. No hardcore or reinforcement is normally required, except where heavy machinery will be operated within the building.

3) Access to the site is the responsability of the customer. ShedWorld requires adequate access for both our staff and our products. Typically, such access as would permit the passage of a fully laden wheelbarrow will suffice for our purposes. Travel distance from where our delivery truck will be parked to the site should not exceed 35m, nor should there be any steps or sharp inclines along the required route. In the event that access is unsuitable or particularly restricted, the customer may fall liable to a surcharge to offset the additional labour costs involved with the installation. Should this be the case, the customer will be informed of any surcharge prior to work commencing.

4) ShedWorld will endeavour to minimise the disruption to your home and property during the installation of our building, however we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to property incurred during installation.

5) ShedWorld prides itself on the courteous and professional manner of our installation team. Our staff will at all times endeavour to be polite and answer any question or request put to them. However, as many of our staff do not have English as their first language, we do request that customers take this into account when dealing directly with our staff. Customers who find difficulty communicating with our staff on site should feel free to contact our head office on 053 9179019 - Mobile/Whatsapp: 087 1485000

6) Customers should take note of the hazards inherant to building work taking place on their property, particularly when such work will be taking place over a period of days. During construction, we must insist that the construction site remain strictly off limits to all but ShedWorld staff. Particular care should be taken to keep children and pets away from the construction site during the installation. ShedWorld can accept no responsability for any injuries sustained by any person or animal that enters the construcion site prior to our completing the installation.

7) In cases where construction work will require our team to stay overnight away from home, a nominal surcharge will be applied to the order, which will cover the cost of travel & accommodation throughout the duration of the project.

Timber and Concrete Fencing:

1) Fencing, both timber and concrete, is sold by ShedWorld on either a supply only or a supply and fit basis.

2) Supply only orders greater than 1000 euro in value are eligable for free delivery throughout Leinster while orders in excess of 3,000 euro are eligiable for free delivery nationwide. Orders not qualifying for free delivery will incur a nominal delivery charge to offset the costs of shipping and handling.

3) With supply only orders for fencing, ShedWorld can accept no responsability for loss or damage to products after delivery, nor can we accept any responsability for loss or damage during construction in such cases.

4) In the case of supply and fit orders, free delivery will be available for all orders.

5) In the case where ShedWorld's staff are unavailable to carry out fencing installation, ShedWorld reserves the right to choose a suitable sub-contractor to carry out the work. In such event, ShedWorld will treat the supply of materials as a supply only order. It will fall to the sub-contractor to determine the labour costs for any such order and will be confirmed by ShedWorld with the customer prior to commencement of work. As such, ShedWorld cannot guarantee the installation work on such orders, the responsability for such guarantees will fall to the sub-contractor.

All products and services listed on this website are, unless otherwise stated, intended for the retail market and are covered by ShedWorld's standard Retail Guarantee. ShedWorld can accept no responsability for any loss or damage to property as a consequence of any installation work. By purchasing any of ShedWorld's products, the Customer is deemed to have accepted all of these terms. This guarantee is not intended to violate any statutory rights or entitlements. E&OE.

- Payment T&C -

The following payment terms apply to all retail sales from ShedWorld unless where otherwise stated.

1) For all sales, the following payment types are accepted:

    a) Cash (euro), payable to the senior ShedWorld Staff Member on site.

    b) Bankers Draft made payable to ShedWorld.

    c) Credit/Debit Card - Visa Debit, Visa or Mastercard, arranged by telephone with ShedWorld's Head Office in Castlebridge, Co Wexford - tel .

    d) Credit/Electronic Transfer in advance, to clear into ShedWorld's AIB bank account prior to delivery/collection. Bank details available on request.

2) As a company policy, ShedWorld cannot accept personal cheques from any customer and offers apologies for any inconvenience caused.

3) For Garden Sheds and supply only fencing orders, payment must be in full and, in the case of electronic transfers, must have cleared into ShedWorld's account before delivery/collectoin takes place.

4) For Concrete Buildings and supply and fit fencing jobs taking more than one day to complete, payments will be divided, with 50% payable on arrival on the first day of work and the balance payable on the completion of the job.

5) For projects costing in excess of 5000, ShedWorld offers our customers the option of splitting the payments into three or more sums, to be paid to ShedWorld at stages throughout construction. However, in such cases, the full and complete balance will fall due on completion of the project.

6) Aftersales support and warranty are deemed to start upon receipt by ShedWorld of the final balance of the agreed sum for the project. ShedWorld reserves the right to void all warranty and aftersales support for any customer who does not complete payment in full upon completion of the project.

7) ShedWorld will nominally ask for a deposit on any order. This deposit will be 10% of the total cost for the order. Customers may, if they choose, elect to provide a larger deposit or to pay in full when placing their order. In cases where such an order is for a non-standard, custom product, for which ShedWorld may or may not have a market for resale in the event that the original customer defaults on the order, a 100% deposit will be required.

ShedWorld cannot offer any exchange or refund on any custom ordered shed except in the case of serious defect with the delivered product. Such a defect will be deemed to be any item that renders the shed unfit or unusable for its intended purpose. Custom sheds remain covered under the standard warranty policy unless modified after installation by the customer.

8) ShedWorld will provide customers with full and complete receipts for all payments at the time they are made, and a full VAT invoice upon completion of the project. VAT on supply only orders is calculated at the national rate of 23%, while VAT on supply and fit orders, including all Garden Sheds and Concrete Buildings is calculated at the national reduced rate of 13.5%.

All products and services listed on this website are, unless otherwise stated, intended for the retail market and are covered by ShedWorld's standard Retail Guarantee. ShedWorld can accept no responsability for any loss or damage to property as a consequence of any installation work. By purchasing any of ShedWorld's products, the Customer is deemed to have accepted all of these terms. This guarantee is not intended to violate any statutory rights or entitlements. E&OE.

- Aftersales T&C -

ShedWorld's aftersales support is outlined in our standard Retail Guarantee. This guarantee is not intended to violate any statutory rights or entitlements. E&OE.

Customers in need of aftersales support are free to contact any of ShedWorld's depots, however for the most prompt response, aftersales queries should be directed to our Head Office in Castlebridge, Co Wexford - tel 053 9179019 - Mobile/Whatsapp: 087 1485000.

Customers who purchased ShedWorld products via a sales agent should contact ShedWorld directly for any aftersales requirements. Sales agents have no repsonsability for ShedWorld products or services after the point of sale.


Garden Shed

Purchasing Options

Orders may be placed by telephone to our Head Office at the numbers below:

Office Telephone Numbers:

Landline: 053 91 79019

Mobile: 087 1485000

The full range of our garden products are available at our head office located at:

Sinnottsmill Buisness Park,
County Wexford.

Click HERE for map & directions